Ramayana story begins with a man named Rama , the crown prince King Dasarata Kosala with its capital in Ayodya . has three brothers named Barata , Lakshmana and Satrukna . Rama was born of the first wife named Dasarata Kausala , Barata from his second wife named Kaikeyi , and Lakshmana and Satrukna from third wife named Sumitra . They live in harmony .As a teenager , Rama and Lakshmana to Wismamitra studied to become resilient youth . Rama then join the competition in the nation's capital Matila Wideha . Thanks to the success drawing the bow heirloom belonging King Janaka , he was rewarded with his eldest daughter named Sita (Shinta) , Lakshmana while married to Urmila , the sister of Sprott . After Dasarata old , Rama planned to replace him as king , failed after Kaikeyi reminded promise Dasarata that are entitled to the throne is Barata and Rama had thrown for 15 (fifteen ) years . On the basis of promises that Rama gracefully wander into the woods Dandaka , although hindered h...